PLAN A is based on the incredible true story of the "Avengers“ - a group of Jewish vigilantes, men and woman, who after surviving the Holocaust vow to avenge the death of their people – "an eye for any eye, a tooth for a tooth“. Max (August Diehl) is a Holocaust survivor who has lost his entire family in the camps. Full of rage and with nothing left to live for other than revenge, he decides to help the Jewish Brigade, soldiers under British command (led by Michael Aloni). Off the record they find and execute Nazis accused of holding leadership positions in the Nazi system. When the brigade is called off, Max follows Anna (Sylvia Hoeks) and a group of former partisans to Nuremberg, where they soon realize that they will not find redemption in the upcoming Nuremberg trials. Led by charismatic leader Abba Kovner, they formulate the biggest revenge operation in history - "Plan A“. They infiltrate German water companies as undercover engineers with only one goal: to poison the drinking water in Nuremberg, Munich, Cologne, Weimar and Hamburg and "to kill six million Germans, one for every Jew slaughtered by the Germans“.